Here is a link to the full 6800 series phone guide Cisco 6800 User Guide
Using Chrome or Firefox, go to Log in using your email address. * Go to Settings on the left > Calling > Voicemail > Reset voicemail PIN * Follow the PIN Password requirements. * Enter your new PIN * Click Save
Voicemail Setup The default voicemail PIN is 159357 Voicemail PIN requirements: * Must contain 6-30 digits * Must not contain the following * repeated patterns * last 10 Voicemail PINs * the reverse of your old PIN * your phone number or extension * the same digit 3 times in a row * 3 ascending d…
Click the phone picture for the Quick Start Guide. The default voicemail pin is 159357. Cisco 6851 - Gray Screen 4-line Device Cisco 6851 - Quick Start Guide Cisco 6871 - Colored Screen 6-line Device Cisco 6871 - Quck Start Guide All phones include the following (numbered above): 1. Incoming ca…