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Performing Lookups in Colleague
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At the lookup prompt, use the format:
                ; FIELD.NAME OPERATOR ‘VALUE’

For example,
                ; FIRST.NAME = ‘Lorri’                    will give you a resolution screen of all person records whose first name is Lorri
                ; BIRTH.DATE = ‘mm/dd/yy’                                                                                        whose birth date is the date entered
                ; PERSON.ADD.DATE = ‘mm/dd/yy’                                                                         who were added on the date entered
                ; PERSONAL.PHONE.NUMBER = ‘815-224-1234’                                                  any one of their phone numbers matching

And you can use LIKE instead of = for the operator:
                ; LAST.NAME LIKE ‘…xyz…’                                                           last name has  xyz anywhere within it
                ; PERSONAL.PHONE.NUMBER LIKE ‘…1234’                          phone number ends with 1234
                ; EMER.CONTACT.NAME LIKE ‘Joe…’                                       emergency contact name begins with Joe

Note: Unlike the default lookup, when you use a name within quotes, the case must match the way it is stored exactly, as well as blanks.
So if it is stored as
St.John                ;LAST.NAME = ‘St.  John’              will not find it (there is no blank in the stored name)
ST. JOHN              ; LAST.NAME LIKE ‘St. John…’     will not find it (the T and OHN are capitalized in the stored name)

  • Let's say you know a student's first name and the town that they live in, but nothing else. You can find them by adding this into Colleague's search bar in NAE in this format:

 ; FIRST.NAME = ‘Crystal’; c = Peru
 ; FIRST.NAME = ‘Firstname’; c = City name

Upper and lower case is important.


To further limit a name search, enter a semicolon followed by one of these abbreviations listed after the name:

Separate each element of your search with a semicolon. For example, enter sarah buchannon ;st me ;y 2017 to search for a record for a Sarah Buchannon with a preferred residence in Maine and whose reunion class is 2017.


For example:

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